If you have emptied the deleted photos from Trash, you need a photo recovery software for Mac to help you find the deleted photos. Step 3 Select the deleted photos you need and right click Put Back to get back the deleted photos. Step 2 Search the deleted photos in the search bar or organize the deleted files by dates, types to locate the deleted photos more quickly. As long as you haven't emptied the photos from Trash, the deleted photos are recoverable. If the photos are deleted from desktop or a Finder folder, the deleted photos should go to the Trash on Mac. Recover Recently Deleted Photos from Trash Check how to recover permanently deleted pictures from Mac. If you can't find a photo in the Recently Deleted album, the photo is probably deleted permanently. When you delete a photo from Albums, the photo is only removed the album but will still remain in the Photo Library, thus it won't show in the Recently Deleted album. Secondly, make sure you have really deleted the photos from the Photo Library. That is to say, if there is no deleted photo, the Recently Deleted album will not show under the Albums tab. So where is the Recently Deleted folder in Photos? First of all, Recently Deleted album only appears in the sidebar when there are photos that are recently deleted. Some people can't find Recently Deleted album in Photos app on Mac. Note: On the older version of Photos app for Mac, there is no Recently Deleted album, you can find the recently deleted photos in File > Show Recently Deleted. The deleted photos will be moved back to the album they were saved. Step 2 Select the photos you want to recover and click Recover. Step 1 On Photos app and click Recently Deleted. If the photos are deleted from the Photos Library for less than 30 days, they can be recovered easily. On Photos app, the deleted pictures are moved to the Recently Deleted album in the app and will remain in the Recently Deleted album for 30 days. Show Recently Deleted Album on Photos for Mac If the photos are deleted in Photos app, you can find the recently deleted photos on the Recently Deleted folder on Photos app. Where to find the recently deleted photos on Mac depends on from where the pictures are deleted. Top 5 Must-Know Data Recovery Software for Mac/PC Where Is Recently Deleted Photos on Mac? Mac Files Recovery: How to Recover Deleted Files on Mac The methods below can also be applied to recover deleted videos on Mac. Here we will show you how to find recently deleted photos on Mac as well as how to recover permanently deleted photos from Mac. Where do deleted photos go on Mac? In fact, the deleted photos are not totally removed from your Mac storage and can be recovered.